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Gateway National Recreation Area
Highlands, NJ, 07732
United States

(732) 291-2368

A fully-licensed nonprofit child care and preschool located in the Fort Hancock Historic Landmark District of Sandy Hook, New Jersey.

You're Registered!

Thank you so much for supporting Sandy Hook Day Care Center! We can't wait to Paint, Sip 'N' Shop with you on May 4th!

Be sure to check your email for your PayPal receipt, and bring it along to the Paint N Sip event for proof of registration.

Here's the details one more time!

WHEN: May 4th, 7-9PM. Come before 6:45 to check in... and join us at 6 for shopping at the LuLaRoe Pop Up Boutique!

WHERE: American Legion, 860 Route 36, Leonardo, NJ 07737

All materials provided and snacks too... cash bar available for sipping!

Please contact Sandy Hook Child Care Center's Board Vice president Robyn with any questions.